Wednesday 14 March 2012


As Google has probably already told you today marks the 101st anniversary of Akira Yoshizawa's birth (never heard of him and think Google must have forgotten to celebrate last year). Apparently he was a master of Origami and so I thought I would share some of my own creations.

Most of them came out of a book I bought in Bude 'Origami: The Complete Guide To The Art Of Paper Folding'. It's a really good book for beginners and experienced 'paper folders' alike. 

A flower
The magic frisbee

A Peace Dove
 A nodding doggy

and even some practical ones I use around the house.

Boxes to keep pesky pennies in....

and in my jewellery box.... keep it nice and organised

I've also made some modular ones too like the cube and the star....

...which the OH has on his desk at work....arrrrr isn't that sweet :-D


  1. You are your mothers daughter in the creativety stakes,(may have said that before? Has the sewing machine been relegated to the forgotten corner? You started off so well in that field. How's about making summat for Tillie, cushion cover/pot holder/little bags for things??? Looked liked you all had a fab time at Disney.
    Ta Ta AA

  2. No the sewing machine hasn't been packed away just yet, just been too busy to make anything but I will make time for it soon. Psssshhhhh mum can make her own things for Tillie ;-)
